Friday, November 18, 2011

What took you so long!

Reference: Man waits 12 years to tell on Syracus coach

I just finished reading the above article and have come to the conclusion that, there are many bandwagon jumpers in America. Why on earth would someone wait 12 years to come out and say that someone "molested" them. In my humble opinion, if you let it go on after you turned 18, it is not considered molestation, its called homosexuality. And a question for the accuser, you said that after the Catholic Church's "pray and bob" scandal, you had "bitter emotions" and then after all these years (you were an adult at the time) a new sex scandal has risen in the form of coaches with young boys, did you decide to come out of the closet finally and let everyone know that you were sexually molested by this coach but after awhile you enjoyed it and continued on into your adulthood. Or are you just looking for a quick buck, I know the economy is tough but to find a scapegoat to your parents, friend and family about why you are a homosexual is plain pathetic.

If this was such a negative incident in your life you shouldn't have waited so long, you knew it was the wrong thing for you to be doing, yet you continued on. Now granted, nothing has been found certain as of yet, it is still your word against his, and any "evidence" of such foul play is most likely long gone. If he did do this horrible act to you then shame on him and he deserves whatever he gets... Up until you were of the age 18. Because quite frankly, that was just two men playing salami swords and butt darts, there is no crime against that.

Let us see how out of control this scandal gets, and see how many other University coaches get accused.

This short was not an attack on homosexuality, calling molested children liars nor stating that sex with children is ok (BY NO MEANS!).But we have to consider every accusation as just that, an accusation. There is no proof, and is this NOT America where you are innocent until proven guilty?

Stand up America and fight, this is OUR country, NOT the governments!

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Pro Athletes vs True Athletes

Pro's VS Hero's
I feel it is about time someone slaps the faces of all these athletes that are complaining about risking themselves or "working so hard" for their careers and demanding contracts that are ridiculous in the least. There are other TRUE "athletes" of this country that are the ones that should be demanding compensation for risking their lives and truly enduring the most dangerous working conditions of all.

Lets take a look at the three top sports in America right now and their "athletes":

Pro Football Players -
You "work" and "risk your lives" for a true five months. That includes the preseason of August, and the other 4 months for the 16 games you play. Lets face it, not everyone makes it to the Super Bowl, so I am not considering the extra month. That gives most of you 6 months of pure relaxation, July you begin OTA's and training camps.

Each game you are faced with the possibility of hurting yourself, the ones that use their helmets well you will most likely hurt yourself and rightfully deserve it. How many football players have died in the last decade on the gridiron? In fact how many have died within the last 50 years? And I mean actually during "battle" on the gridiron. I think you will give an answer of, uhhh none. Granted a few have died later resulting from injuries on the field. So tell me again, how you are risking your lives playing football.

As well, the top performers (lets face it most of you players wont be in a Nike ad, or make it to SI) you rake in lucrative advertisment deals adding to your already inflated salaries. The median salary within the NFL is a little over $770,000 per year. Rookies make slightly less, and lets face it, not many rookies start so they are getting paid 100's of thousands of dollars to play football and sit on the bench and keep them warm for the veterans.

Pro Baseball Players -
Granted you put in more months out of the year than Pro Football Players, but come on now. Making multi-million dollar contracts for what? You start "spring training" in late February, early March, granted regular season is 162 games and goes until, for the bulk of you until October. And you do not play in extreme weather or even rain showers for that matter. Pussies, come on you are athletes shouldnt you be able to adjust to your environment and play on.

Most of you players stand around most of the very long drawn out 3 plus hours during a game watching the daffodils grow on the sod, or snacking on some chew or munching on sunflowers seeds for the bulk of the time. If a team has a great starter, then the outfield might as well take a vacation. There is almost no physical endurance that you need nor pain tolerance, since it is rare any physical contact is made within the sport. That is, unless you are up against a narcoleptic egomaniac massocist that loves beaning batters with balls.

Just like Pro Football, the top performers as well make lucrative advertisement deals adding to your inflated salaries as well. The median salary in 2011 across the board for a Pro Baseball Player was $1,497,011.27 per year. That a whole lot of cash for not doing a whole lot.

Pro Basketball Players -
Oh the cream of the crop, in Prima donnas, Pro Basketball Players. Now granted, you play for 9 months, 82 games total. That is alot. But! you do not get off that easy. The average basketball game last approximately 2.5 hours, where about 35% of it is standing around doing nothing, due to freethrows, penalties, your barage of what seems like unlimited timeouts. And granted there are injuries, oh wah wah cry me a river, a broken nose, eye pokes, broken fingers, twisted ankles.

There is a ton of endurance that you need during those 2.5 hours of play, but again like Pro Football, how many players have died on the court, gee let me guess, uhhhh NONE!! More or less they die outside of the court involved in drugs or partying.

Oh and gee look at this, the top performers in the NBA as well make lucrative deals adding to their inflated salaries (highest amongst all three). The median salary in 2010 across the board for a Pro Basketball Player was $5,000,000.00.

So lets take a quick recap of the three "athletes" mentioned above. the all work less than a year, each performance lasts between 2 to 4 hours, and they earn anywhere from the high hundreds of thousand to single digit millions per year.

Oh Yeah!! Let us not forget, they also get to go home to their families, relax in their favorite lazy boys, get full 8 hours of sleep if needed. And if they have a booboo or get the sniffles they get to call in sick.They do not get calls in the middle of the night and hear "Hey XYZ team is challenging us on our field in 20 minutes, Be here or get canned".

And another thing, they can complain and whine and gripe about their working conditions and salaries usually get their way.

Let us look at the REAL athletes of America!
These athletes "play their games" 365 days a year, most of the time around the clock. They play in the rain, sleet, snow and Death Valley temperature heat waves. They do not get to call a time out if their opponent is rushing them, they do not get half-times to recollect themselves, there are no set times for their games. There is no sick leave, or sit out a quarter because they have a twisted ankle or broken finger. Their opponents have no game plan so their is no way to prepare against them. There is rarely family time and rare times to see their children grow up.

You do not see these athletes staring in commercials because they can hit constant three pointers, or pitch no-hitters or is the star quarterback who thinks he's a wrestler with a stupid WWF title belt. These athletes are honored during their years with their team but drift off to obscurity when they leave.

The median salary of these athletes with less than 2 years on the team (Pro rookie years) is about $25,081.00. And it gets better, after a long faithful 6 years with their team, a hefty increase of... are you ready for this.. approximately $6,000 is added on to their salary. Wow now a veteran on this team is making a whopping $31,442.00 per year. There are no contracts, no negotiations, no sit outs because the athletes is not getting what they want or think they deserve. They do not have a choice.

By now you must know that these athletes I am referring to are our boys and girls in the US military. These are the true athletes of America on the largest team in America. They are even backed by the richest of all owners the US government. They, not you Pro Ball players, put their lives on the line every single day they play for their team. They have seen comrades fall dead right next to them, they have seen opponents do the same. They endure all obstacles and all conditions to get the job done. They play on whether they are having a bad day, a bad head cold or a sprained wrist. They do not get time to watch their families mature and they do not get to sit and relax in their favorite lazy-boy recliners whenever they feel like. All of this hard work, and the wealthiest owner in American only pays them an incoming teachers wage.

Next time, you so called athletes think you deserve more money because you risk your lives or work "so hard," I hope someone drags your ass out to a battlefield next to these TRUE athletes to show you what it is really like to risk your lives and work hard. I feel the our boys and girls of the US military should be getting paid the multi-million dollar contracts, not you. They do it because they love their country, why do you do it? Because you love.... money.

Stand up America and fight, this is OUR country, NOT the governments!

Sue happy over Happy Meals

Consumer Affairs Article: Happy Meal Suit

Since when did the USA become a nanny country? These consumer groups are getting way out of hand with there supposed righteous ways of telling businesses what is good for the people. It is a simple supply and demand market out in the fast food world. Maybe if you got off your lazy asses and read books about how business runs instead of finding ways for the government to take care of your kids, you would understand this is the way the public sector works.

This all comes from a consumer group trying to cease all production of a staple of McDonalds that has been in existance for the past 34 years.

Stand up America and fight, this is OUR country, NOT the governments!

Friday, June 11, 2010

Thank You Reggie "Greedy" Bush

Let the finger pointing start now.

Mr. Reggie Bush, on behalf of the freshman, sophmore, junior and senior classes of USC I would like to personally thank you for destroying at least two years of their football program. The seniors and juniors will not have a chance to make it to the post season because of your greedy little hands. This may even affect enrollment for the next two years at USC as well thanks to you Reggie Bush. So in essence you may have entirely destroyed an institution of higher learning single handly.

Now I know people will argue and say "but Reggie Bush wasn't the only culprit!" This I know, BUT Reggie Bush is the most prominent individual in this illegal activity that took place. He knew damn well what the rules of the NCAA were and are and he still decided to go against them to make himself better off, which benefitted himself and his family. if his family had any kind of dignity or self worth, they would have talked Reggie Bush out of doing these things. So while you sit on your high horse in your nice house somewhere in Lousiana, a whole football program of young atheletes are wondering what they are fighting for each Saturday, but hey lets face it, they arent making it to the post season, even if they go undefeated.

But do you REALLY care Reggie Bush, I greatly doubt it, you are making your millions and it seems you could care less. Point in fact, nobody has heard a word from you in regards to the sanctions put forth against USC by the NCAA. BUT! I doubt you would hesitate to speak out if say.... They were to strip you of your Heisman Trophy. Which they SHOULD!!! You performed under false pretense, performed illegal activity and disobeyed NCAA league rules.

I say take away the 2 year suspension of post season and strip Reggie Bush of his Heisman Trophy. The young atheletes in USC today should not be punished for an iconic greedy individual who was going against the rules. Punish him instead.

What do you say about that Reggie Bush....... nothing that is what I thought.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Hey Government!! Take care of my kids will ya!

Article: Parents demand FCC punish American Dad adult comedy

All this time I have been for a hands off government, what a waste! I should jump on the bandwagon with the lazy and incompetent parents that are demanding that the government sectors take care of their lives and their children.

Supposedly 100,000+ parents called or wrote to the FCC and complained and demanded action against a popular ADULT themed cartoon called "American Dad", presented by FOX. The complaint is over a non-direct suggestion to masturbate a race horse. The slang terms that the creepy alien used could in no way be comprehended by an adolescent child, unless say.... the parents inform the child of what it means or provides smut to their children in some way. In result of this, the FCC fined FOX, get this, not for the episode but for not delivering requested information fast enough.

Parents wake up! Are you that illiterate to read the disclaimer at the beginning of the show stating that the show is intended for adult audiences. Knowing that, why is little Johnny sitting his chubby little butt in front of the TV getting ready to watch this show? Or are you too lazy of a parent to care what your children watches until YOU get offended and then YOU want the government to step in to control what is shown on TV? Wake up you pathetic excuses for parents! The government is not here to raise your children, they are your responsibility to raise. If you don't like what is showing on TV here is a brilliant idea..... TURN THE DAMN CHANNEL!! Besides, after all the time this show has been on the air, you wait until now to complain. Do you not watch the show? They display constantly an "illegal alien" that is a cross dressing homosexual, a father who is an egomaniac (who promotes violence), a sexually deprived wife, an Emo clad daughter and a son who is clearly the most sensible of them all. With all of this happening, you pick this episode to complain. There is a reason why these shows are on after little Johnny's bed time and that is to keep him away from crap like this.

So lazy, illiterate and careless parents, get off your lazy asses and take control of what your kid watches and stop asking the government to step in when you are to incompetent to control your child's life. In fact if you are that incompetent, maybe you shouldn't be having children nor keeping the ones you already have.

Oh and by the way, the thing you dumb ass people do not realize is, that what you are doing when you complain about shows like this is that you are promoting the show, enticing more viewers to watch the show which is increasing their ratings and the demand for such shows.

There is a button on your controller called "channel up" and "channel down".... use them sometime!

Governer hopefuls Meg Whitman and Steve Poizner say...

Meg Whitman says:
I promise to blah blah blah on taxes and resolve the blah blah and take care of blah blah problem. I fully support blah blah. Etc. Etc. Etc....
Steve Poizner says:
I promise no new blah blah, I am 100% on the side of blah blah and I promise to take care of the blahhhh problem. Those ads against me are fully blah blah. Etc. Etc. Etc...
For 18 years I have heard the same B.S. from presidential and governor hopefuls. At first I was listening and saying this or that person is out to make a difference and look what they are promising to do. Well as time went on I realized that these hope fulls were just blowing smoke up every ones asses. They have been telling us citizens what we want to hear and will continue to tell us what we want to hear, until someone steps up and says "STOP THE BULLSHIT PROMISES!!!"  We get it already, you are going to stand up on your high horse speaking of how you are going to change this or stop that. But, what we want to hear from you is the truth.

The truth is..... you and most citizens know damn well that it is not you the governor or you the president that runs the country. You are a filler position to make it look like there is some type of structure. People do know the truth about who actually runs the government. Especially the State governments (and especially here in California). Its the labor unions, special interest groups and those damn politician and legislature positions that run things. Why do you think the state of California is in the toilet? Those groups all want their coffers to be filling to the brim and in order to do that what is their solution? More taxes, more taxes and guess what MORE taxes!!!

Instead of voting to get these powerhouse organizational puppets into office, has anyone thought of trying to battle the powerhouses and knock them down a notch or two. They do not represent the vast majority of citizens of each states nor the USA populous as a whole.

So presidential and governor hopefuls, shut up and fight back to make changes by not listening to the labor unions, special interest groups and political and legislative positions (most of them are 80year old codgers that refuse to accept change and are set in their ways). Do what is right for your state and country by doing what the citizens want, they make the country operate not these unions and such. Why not start off by passing a bill stating politician and legislative terms are limited to a small certain number of years and then get them out and hold a vote of the citizens who should take the next term.

Also just stop already with the jib jab bullshit ads saying you support x, y and z and that you are going to put a stop to this or that and that you will not raise taxes. We have all heard this crap before and we all know how it turns out in the end.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

America - Freedom to Manipulate

American solders, we all appreciate what you are doing for this country. But you need to re-evaluate what you are fighting for. You tell us you are fighting for our freedom, freedom from what? We are limited on what we say, and in what we do. We cannot speak about what we believe in regardless of what it is we are saying, well that is not true. We can speak about anything as long as it doesn't offend any one race, creed, sex or religion, we cannot speak ill of any other country and we DEFINITELY cannot make the government look stupid in their stances about certain things.

The press of all organizations should know the value of freedom of speech as they have fought to use it through history. Now they, the press, have limited everyones freedom of speech by hiding true feelings of Americans.

This article, which is written by a NON-Ignorant American, speaks the truth about immigration as it was and as it is today. Our ancestors DID come here illegally, however they assimilated into the American culture and worked hard to support this country, THIS COUNTRY, not the countries that they came from and they supported and followed the rules of the land.

Now again American soldiers, if we cannot speak outloud through the press about our feelings about this country, what exactly are you fighting for again?

This was NOT printed in the Orange County newspaper ....................

Newspapers simply won't publish letters to the editor which they either deem politically incorrect (read below) or which does not agree with the philosophy they're pushing on the public. This woman wrote a great letter to the editor that should have been published; but, with your help it will get published via cyberspace!

From: 'David LaBonte'

My wife, Rosemary, wrote a wonderful letter to the editor of the OC Register which, of course, was not printed. So, I decided to 'print' it myself by sending it out on the Internet. Pass it along if you feel so inclined. Written in response to a series of letters to the editor in the Orange County Register:
Dear Editor:

So many letter writers have based their arguments on how this land is made up of immigrants. Ernie Lujan for one, suggests we should tear down the Statue of Liberty because the people now in question aren't being treated the same as those who passed through Ellis Island and other ports of entry.

Maybe we should turn to our history books and point out to people like Mr. Lujan why today's American is not willing to accept this new kind of immigrant any longer. Back in 1900 when there was a rush from all areas of Europe to come to the United States, people had to get off a ship and stand in a long line in New York and be documented . Some would even get down on their hands and knees and kiss the ground. They made a pledge to uphold the laws and support their new country in good and bad times. They made learning English a primary rule in their new American households and some even changed their names to blend in with their new home.

They had waved goodbye to their birth place to give their children a new life and did everything in their power to help their children assimilate into one culture. Nothing was handed to them. No free lunches, no welfare, no labor laws to protect them. All they had were the skills and craftsmanship they had brought with them to trade for a future of prosperity.

Most of their children came of age when World War II broke out. My father fought along side men whose parents had come straight over from Germany , Italy , France and Japan . None of these 1st generation Americans ever gave any thought about what country their parents had come from. They were Americans fighting Hitler, Mussolini and the Emperor of Japan . They were defending the United States of America as one people.

When we liberated France , no one in those villages were looking for the French-American or the German American or the Irish American. The people of France saw only Americans. And we carried one flag that represented one country. Not one of those immigrant sons would have thought about picking up another country's flag and waving it to represent who they were. It would have been a disgrace to their parents who had sacrificed so much to be here. These immigrants truly knew what it meant to be an American. They stirred the melting pot into one red, white and blue bowl.

And here we are in 2009 with a new kind of immigrant who wants the same rights and privileges only they want to achieve it by playing with a different set of rules; one that includes the entitlement card and a guarantee of being faithful to their mother country. I'm sorry, that's not what being an American is all about. I believe that the immigrants who landed on Ellis Island in the early 1900's deserve better than that for all the toil, hard work and sacrifice in raising future generations to create a land that has become a beacon for those legally searching for a better life. I think they would be appalled that they are being used as an example by those waving foreign country flags.

And for that suggestion about taking down the Statue of Liberty , it happens to mean a lot to the citizens who are voting on the immigration bill. I wouldn't start talking about dismantling the United States just yet.


Stand up America and fight for OUR country, not someone else's country!